Saturday, August 9, 2014

Passionate Pursuit

"That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." (1 Corinthians 2:9, NLT)

Gladiator. I love that movie. It is easily in my top 5 because it has so many biblical references. The honor and courage displayed in his character are phenomenal. I think it speaks to the heart of every man for bravery and every woman for the admiration of that bravery. 

But more than that, it's a great visual of how difficult leading the Christian life can be. Jesus didn't promise us that our lives would magically be easier when we picked up our crosses and followed him. At the end of this movie, I love that Maximus is walking toward his deceased family in his place of peace, his home. 

Anytime I face a difficult situation or something that seems impossible, this verse bubbles up from my heart and floats through my mind: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 

Watching the news the other day, CNN was covering the crisis in Iraq and questioning what President Obama was going to do about it. I deeply desire that we had a truly God fearing President who would call for a national day of prayer for any who believed so that we, as a nation, would pray for the thousands of Christians being persecuted in Iraq. 

My daughter and I had just sat down for dinner and I said, "Let's pray." She immediately put her tiny hands in mine and bowed her head against my forehead. All I got out was, "Father God, please help those people. You demonstrated over and over in the Bible these amazing stories of angels crushing cities of those who opposed you and of Jesus healing those who are persecuting your children. I will not ask where you are, for I know you are with them, but Abba, those children..." and I just broke and cried. 

My daughter put her tiny hands on either side of my face and lifted my head to look at her. She said, "Mama..." and put one of her hands on my heart. I said, "Yes, Mama's heart hurts for our friends in Iraq." I got out a map and showed her who we were praying for. We put one of each of our hands on the map, and our other hands we held together. We finished the prayer for all of the children in Iraq, Christian or not, and for the leaders of ISIS to have a powerful experience with Jesus. 

As someone who knows heartbreak well, I won't sit here and say "it's okay," - I know its hard and its one of the most difficult things you will experience right now. But I will firmly tell you - do not stop praying - God is fighting for you.  And remember, you have people all over the world just like me who are thinking of you and keeping you close in our hearts, expecting God to bless you in some way each moment. Even if that blessing is just you developing your relationship with him. 

Cheerful Givers

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