Sunday, September 30, 2012

Youth and Elderly Alike: "Send us!"

      Today's service was led by our youth ministry; both high school and college students. As I listened to five of them teach a different lesson about speech, life, love, faith and purity, I became marveled at the spiritual walk.

     Some of us stay in the infancy stage for quite some time. But to mature, we must read the Bible each day, worship God in awe, and be willing to be transformed by His Holy Spirit as He sees fit, not us. Creatures of habit, we are often comfortable with what makes us feel good. Most of us do not like the refining fire or being on the Potter's wheel. However, the youth today showed me (and hopefully everyone else in that 8 a.m. chapel service!) that we must not become complacent in our walk.

    If these youngsters are up to the challenge (and one that is incredibly hard facing today's society and culture), why shouldn't we be - those of us who are a little or a lot older? Why should we sit back in our chairs, comfortably "remembering" the times these youth face today? That shouldn't be our mission at all! We need to be just as fiesty as the youth, and watch our conduct in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.

     Just this past Wednesday, I met with the women from my small group. We are studying Maxie Dunn's "Intercessory Prayer" workbook. These ladies are phenomenal. Most of them have had incredible life experience, and guess what? They still need encouragement from other Believers to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, trust in God and submission to his Holy Spirit.

     Write this verse down and stick it on your mirror or in your wallet:

      "Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing, you will save both yourself and your hearers" (1 Timothy 4:16, ESV).

      Why is this so important? Allow me to share one more verse with you that is amazingly important, but little studied. When we keep a close watch on ourselves, we are disciplining and training ourselves to be self-aware of how and what we: say, do, think, feel, and act. How can the motives of our hearts be kept pure if we don't check in with ourselves and ask, "Why am I thinking this way? Why am I doing things this way? Why did I just say that?"
       We must also keep a close watch on the teaching because if we are to make an impact, we better be doing it wisely, and humbly, walking close to God. We certainly can't teach one thing and then act another. We'd be in the Pharisees camp if we tried, and then, who would come to know Christ? Not many.

       Consider these verses and let God speak to you this day through them:

       "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved...
(Romans 10:9-10)

       "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Romans 10:14-15).

       These are stunning points.

      Truly, I encourage you to wrestle with these:

      1) How can they (other believers struggling with their faith, unbelievers, and those who have never heard about Jesus to begin with) call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they call on one of whom they have not heard?

       This is why intercessory prayer is so vitally important today and every day.
       Does God hear our prayers? Yes.
       Will we always see the fruit of our prayers? No.
       Can we believe that God will use our prayers to help someone we have never met? Yes.
       Should we believe that God is able to bring the Good News to people we have never met globally? Yes! 

       Pray today that at least ONE person be given the knowledge and message of Jesus Christ by a fellow believer today. Pray that this one person will be given ears to hear and a convicted heart.

     2) How can someone hear if they do not have someone preaching to them? And how will they preach if they are not sent?

     This is why missionary work is so important. Even if you are not called to the international mission field, pray for these people anyway. Pray for the people they are about to impact.
      Pray for ordinary people, just like you and me, to be given a desire to study the Word, keep a close watch on ourselves and the teaching, and act as missionaries in our own communities.
      We must be on alert all the time, just like our youth. In fact, if we could even team up with our youth to instill wisdom in their approach, and be renewed by their passion, what an impact we could make!
      As always, just as I share in hospitality and recipes for the animals, serve with Love.

Let's pray together today:

"Heavenly Father, we thank you for the reminder and message of being a youth serving you. We, who are older, especially thank you for the reminder on how to keep a close watch on ourselves and our conduct. Thank you for reminding us about the international mission field, and those who impact it every day. We pray for you to equip our missionaries who serve internationally, sacrificing comfort and safety every day so that one more may be given new life in Christ. We pray for each other in our own communities, that you might send us to teach others about You. We praise you for the many works you have done and are continuing to do through us. Purify us in our minds, speech and actions so that we may glorify You in all we do and say. Thank you for this new day. We love you, praise you and thank you for your faithfulness each and every day. In Jesus' name. Amen."

Friday, September 28, 2012

New Recipes!

NEW Autumn-Inspired Recipes!

Check out the "Pumpkin & Peanut Butter with Cinnamon" dog treats underneath the Animal Friends page. Scroll down until you come to the third recipe. I share a personal story about my own dogs and what inspired me to bake these treats for them.

Under the Hospitality page toward the bottom, you'll find a new recipe for us humans. It's a chewy, soft cookie recipe that includes Pumpkin, Cinnamon and Nutmeg. Delicious and perfect to serve with a glass of milk!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Revival of Yom Kippur

Why is this post called "Revival of Yom Kippur?" Because part of Yom Kippur is fasting and fervently praying for 25 hours. Lessons learned in this message today will spur us on in following a very wise tradition. For right now, we are going to start today off right: with some joyful praise.

Pray with me: "Good morning God! Good morning Holy Spirit! Good morning Jesus! Thank you for this new day. Help me to feel your joy within me this morning as I praise you."

Click on this link to listen to Etta James' "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."  Now that we have a smile on our faces, and a surprising dose of joy given to us, read on.

Revival of God's Holy Spirit within us is vital in today's world, cultures and societies. We are in danger of slipping into laziness, thinking someone else will pray for this or that cause; that someone else will take care of what needs to be done; that someone else's organization will cover that issue. But that is not what being Christian is all about.

What does this mean? This means we are to recognize that we "did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father" (Romans 8:15, NIV). And that, "We are not given a spirit of fear but of love and power and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7, ESV).

And who is our Abba, our Father? Do you remember the Fierce Grace lesson? That's our Abba - he never stops fighting for us or loving us. He is faithful. He is almighty. He can and will accomplish more things than we can think possible.

So, how do we stop our current ruts and get into God's plan for salvation? The tradition of Yom Kippur is a great place to start and from which to learn.

Just think of the possibilities if all Christians everywhere around the world took even ONE hour to fast and fervently pray for a cause, a person, a leadership council, deliverance of a city, protection over its people, revival of the Holy Spirit? Just like the call to prayer for our brothers and sisters in refugee camps this week, we need to be praying and fasting for revival of God's Holy Spirit in all Christians everywhere.

I wish I could pour out to you how phenomenally important this is. I feel a lot like Paul during this post: knowing in my spirit this extremely Good News to pass on and yet, not being able to convey how supremely vital it is to everyone. I can only hope that just as Jesus said, "He who has ears, let him hear" (Mark 4:9, ESV) and by faith, you will receive Revelation 2:11's reminder: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."

Trials, tribulations, mockeries, even death is in our wake. Don't be surprised when you come up against something or multiple somethings that try to knock you down and take you out. Pray that the Holy Spirit will make you aware of any pitfalls, traps or tricks. In Jesus' name, resist them and turn to Jesus only.

Pray with me now: "In Jesus' name, I am given a spirit of power, and of love, and of self-control. I do not submit to fear. I overcome all pitfalls, traps or tricks set before me. My foot will not strike any stone. In Jesus' name I turn to Him for every attempt made against me. I am given eyes to see, ears to hear and discernment to understand. In Jesus' name, I ask the Holy Spirit to intervene for me and protect me. Amen."

And guess what? It doesn't just start internationally or even with a community-based mindset intention. It starts right where you're sitting. It starts with you.

It branches out to our family: wives, husbands, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents; all those whom you come into contact with. Then to the community: neighbors, leadership councils, strangers. Then to our cities and the shaping of our cultures. When we travel - are we living in this truth that we are within the Sonship and that we extend God's love to everyone we come across? Beware of keeping a small-pond mentality.

Start your day with the prayer above. I can personally attest to its power. About two weeks after praying this, I became aware of old arguments or things that would have usually upset me. In that same moment of beginning to feel upset, I would say out loud, "In Jesus' name I reject this trap and pitfall trying to tempt me. I do not give way to temptation. God, you have promised me a way out and Jesus, you are my way out. Holy Spirit, please intervene for me right now." The Presence of God has never been so close to me as it is now. I am enjoying clarity, peace and astounding amounts of love.

Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Don't ever forget that. Allow the Holy Spirit to clean house and help him out by refusing to give way to anything that is against God's will for you. Ask for help in this in Jesus' name. Purity doesn't mean just physically; Purity of speech, purity of thought, purity of motive, purity of actions, purity of heart, etc.

If you can, look at your body in a mirror. As much as your body that you can see, put the roof on top of your head. Put windows at your eyes. Put a gate at your mouth. Put a door over your heart. Imagine your arms and legs as the land around your house. Make your core the dwelling place where everyone gathers.

Even if you attempt to burn a candle for some light within the dwelling place, it can be snuffed out.

What is more powerful than God? Nothing. Make your dwelling place His home. Allow Him to do as He will to transform you in mind, emotions and character.

Here is today's challenge: Pick one day this week to fast for 24 hours and pray fervently for revial of the Holy Spirit within all Christians everywhere.

When you feel out-numbered or overwhelmed, let this encourage you: "Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.” So the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha" (2 Kings 6:17, ESV) and "The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands" (Psalm 68:17).

We are never alone. Ever. Reject that little pitfall right now. If you feel alone, remember that it is impossible because you have God's Holy Spirit living within you. If you need to physically feel Jesus' presence, ask. Keep asking.

I pray for all of you who come across or daily read this: "Heavenly Father, I pray in righteousness on behalf of all who read this post. I know that it is not up to me on who receives this message, but in Truth Father, You alone are the giver of such message. God, I pray in intercession for those who need to hear this from you, read and understand this from you. I ask that as whoever is reading this prayer right now that Your Presence begin to blossom within them and around them. My LORD, you have appeared to me as heat and a raging hot feeling within me until I sweat. My hands often become hot and you give me knowledge. I have also been so overcome by your love that refreshing and renewing tears flow steadily and freely from me. Thank you for releasing us today.
     Abba, I come to you boldly but humbly, having confidence in Your work and Your word. You promise to stand ground in front of us, to protect us. I pray in intercession for those who desparately need you to be their shield and refuge right now. I ask Holy Spirit, that you would lead them and teach them how to choose Jesus immediately and ask for you to intervene. I ask that you give each person a verse from your Word to focus on today. LORD, you know our needs before we know our own. Help us to seek your Kingdom first, so that we always put You first and our priorities are straight.
     Recognition of your Holy Spirit helps us to understand that there are few of us left who earnestly and fervently pray for You to overcome. LORD, we have so many people hurting today. We have children in countries who do not eat, who do not have medical care, who have become orphans by circumstances. We have corrupt leaders who do nothing but seek after their own personal gain and have forgotten you. We have countries who put wealth and status above you. Even our own land here, Father, has forgotten its roots. We have children crying out to you, wondering if you really exist. We have widows and elders and the sick and dying among us wondering how much longer they will suffer. Your creatures are facing famine and sickness. Your creation, O God, is suffering by our selfishness and greed. We pray as intercession for these things and ask that you forgive us. Oh LORD! Please use us as your vehicles. It doesn't stop in our homes or our own communities.
Father, hear our bold prayer today:
        You only overcome. Use each and every single one of us who are willing to listen and obey what You are calling us to do. Remind us that fear is not apart of who we are, but Your power, Your love and Your self-control. Please Jesus, please help us to help those who are hurting; please use us Holy Spirit to minister to those who need you desperately. Give us the right words to say, the right actions to do so they do not forget who You are. Just like the child in the picture above, let us spread your Good News with joyful hearts and may those we encounter be so filled with your joy that they laugh truly; perhaps for the first time in a long time.
     We will follow paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. In Jesus' name we pray these things unto you, knowing full well You hear us and will answer us in your perfect timing. Amen.
     Father, I ask that these things be done according to Your Will, that only divinely appointed relationships will enter each person's life; that each person learns how to align their will with Yours and pray in accordance to it.
      Jesus, thank you for giving me a heart for prayer ministry, for hospitality, for the children and for those who bear grief and pain. May your words be my words, your love my love, and may those who read this post, pass it along to someone else. You are greater in us than he who is in the world, and we ask that you to remind us of that this day. Light us up!
      Jehovah, in your Son's, Jesus, name we pray this day. Amen."

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Amazing Grace Tells Us to "Only Believe"

"But Jesus on hearing this answered him, “Do not fear; only believe, and she will be well.”
-Luke 8:50 (ESV)-

Have you ever noticed in Luke chapter 8, Jesus' main message is about how belief is connected to true healing? Listen to the gorgeous-sounding version of "Amazing Grace" by Soweto Gospel Choir.

Do you have a story like this to share?

T'was grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fear relieved
How precious did that grace appear?
The hour I first believed.

All of the people he healed in Luke 8 were healed by Jesus in one way or another. The first example is when the man fell at Jesus' feet. Jesus cast out 'Legion' and the evil spirits who lived in this poor man went into pigs, then went off the cliff. The man was at Jesus' feet, completely healed and in his "right" mind. Can you imagine how "precious" that moment of grace from Jesus must have been to that man?

Next, the woman who believed she only had to touch Jesus' robe was healed by her faith. After being shunned and scorned for 12 years, I'm sure she felt like a "wretch" and must have regarded Jesus as amazing grace.

The final example is when the man comes out of his house and tells someone to tell Jesus that he no longer needs to come to the house because his daughter died. When Jesus went anyway, the people in the house laughed at him. Think about the sound of this man's daughter's voice. How sweet the sound of Jesus' amazing grace that he extended to this family.

This passage is so important for two reasons:

1) Jesus is unhurried. He didn't rush through the crowd and he didn't tell the woman who had been sick for 12 years he was too busy to minister to her. He tells her how and why she was made well.

2) We are commanded to not fear, only believe.

No fear.

Only believe.

A sermon once said that the Bible uses some version of 'do not fear' some 365 times throughout. Each day, we should remind ourselves that God is telling us to have no fear, but that we should only do what? Believe.

What should we believe in? Jesus' ability, power and authority to heal us from whatever infirmity or suffering we're going through. This is an astounding thought.

We once were lost and blind. But friends, we aren't anymore. Why do we keep believing a lie? Just because your healing or those who you are interceeding for doesn't happen in your time, doesn't mean Jesus isn't on His Way.

God is unhurried. He cares about each and every single one of his children. He ministers to each and every one of you. Keep praying. Keep believing.

This isn't only a humbling message, this message should bring you great joy. Etta James' "Oh Happy Day"  should bring a smile to your face. Clap along. Tap your feet. Close your eyes. Let yourself be a kid again and dance around. It is a happy day certainly when we truly believe.

"Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for this revelation and truth in your Word. Thank you that you are unhurried and take care of each one of us. We praise you as an audience of One that you love us so deeply. It is Jesus' amazing grace that was able to set those people free in Luke 8, and it is his amazing grace that still sets people free today in his name. Thank you Jesus for setting us free, so that we might worship, giving thanks to the Father. Thank you especially for teaching us to not fear, but to only believe. When we struggle with that, Holy Spirit, please shake us awake and remind us in our minds, emotions and characters that we are believing a lie; that God is healing us in an amazing way, even when we don't see it immediately. Keep us steadfast in prayer, especially for each other and for those we don't even know around the world. We love you so much. In Jesus' name we pray together, Amen."

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Praying at 5:00 p.m. today: Wherever you are!

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men."
-1 Corinthians 12:4-5 (NLT)-

Good morning, afternoon or evening - wherever you are! 

        This post is about a movement we must make. If you pray, if you don't pray, if you've never prayed, if you pray every day...this post is for you. 

God told us to "Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need" (Malachi 3:10, ESV).

      God's Holy Spirit is not contained to just one area. He does not just live in Montana or New York or Paris or Israel. No, God's Spirit is wholly and fully alive in each one of us who has accepted and received Jesus Christ as our Savior.  That means, if you're reading this, and you have that - you have a duty to pray for your brothers and sisters in every nation on this earth. If you don't, pray anyway and pray that you would come to know Jesus so that you might also share in our inheritance as his people. 

Today, we are going to pray together at 5 p.m. Wherever you are, in whatever country, at 5:00 p.m., pray for delivery from Jehovah in Jesus' name for each Spirit-filled Christian in every nation on earth. Remember, God had not revealed his holy name, Jehovah, until he showed Moses how to lead the Israelites out of captivity and into liberty and freedom

Earlier this week, the news showed a clip from the refugee camps in Turkey; specifically the hundreds of children who had lost their parents and are now orphans with brutal injuries. I cried. Imagine yourself at 2 or 3 years old on up, and imagine everything being taken from you, including your parents. Imagine living in a strange place with nothing but fright and fear for coverings. It is an injustice too heavy and too grieving to bear. These children need our prayers. These people need our prayers. They need God to act in a mighty and powerful way on their behalf. 

Guess who can pray as intercessory for them? Us. Because we know Jesus and He is our Advocate. 

We are each given different gifts: message of wisdom, message of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in different languages, interpretation of languages (1 Corinthians 12:7-11, NIV). 

Think of what would happen if we actually tapped into those gifts we are given and asked God how he wants to use us this week to help the refugees in those camps. 

Healers: you have a special gift because it comes in many forms. Do not be afraid. When God moves in you, it can be through burning heat within, tears, a cool fresh breeze, an aching for whoever is hurting, praying fervently specifically for your gift to be shared with for whom you are praying. The list goes on. Embrace it, and ask God how you can be used for these people. 

Leadership: Many examples in the Bible will help you understand how you are to lead. Jesus is the greatest leader of all. Wash their feet, humble yourselves, speak wisely, listen intently, pray before you act, treat others as you would want to be treated. Just because you are in a position of power and authority does not mean you use it to selfishly gain status or recognition. Remember whom you come from. 

Medical: Your wisdom and knowledge of the human body: mind, emotions, will, physical, is needed in countries whom don't have such education. Esteem to do what's right. Have courage to make tough calls. Volunteer your time. Educate those around you, even in simple terms so they might help too. Listen. 

Teachers: You have the phenomenal ability to transfer learned information from yourself to others. Teach goodness, and righteousness. Teach humility and compassion; love for others, love of yourself. Teach transparent relationships. Teach faith over fear. Teach gentleness and expectations of worthy living. We all were made for something more than we can ever imagine. You have the responsibility to pass that on; to encourage and believe in those whom come under your teaching. Use your voice. Use your actions. Use your faith to guide and lead others into understanding and knowledge.

Faithful Followers: faith is essential in this movement. We cannot move without our faith. It is what enables us to stretch, dare and move. God cannot use us if he calls us or directs or guides or leads us in some way to help and we do not have faith, "the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see" (Hebrews 11:1, NLT). 

Do you remember how they all were qualified by God? Obedience. And how did they get to increase in their faith and therefore obey when he directed them? Prayer. It all starts with prayer. We must pray without ceasing, diligently, watchfully and earnestly. 

Remember, Psalm 51:16-17 (NIV):

"You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. 
My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise."

        When we are truly broken, we pray with an honesty and an earnestness about us that even surprises ourselves. We are able to lay everything at his feet. Prayer warriors, this one especially goes out to you this week. Please pray for these refugees. Please pray for those across the world who are in camps we've not even heard about on the news or in the newspapers. Our faith must carry us in prayer for these people; for our brothers and sisters whom we don't even know. 

Throughout Hebrews 11, Paul reminds us and teaches us about those "greats" throughout history regarding their faith. Keep this close today:

"...They agreed that they were no more than foreigners and nomads here on earth. And obviously people who talk like that are looking forward to a country they can call their own. If they had meant the country they came from, they would have found a way to go back. But they were looking for a better place, a heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a heavenly city for them" (Hebrews 11:13-16, NLT)


When you're thinking and praying to our God, our Jehovah, remember why Moses was so precious to God:

"It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt. He was not afraid of the king. Moses kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible" (Hebrews 11:27, NLT). 

When you're thinking of how to best pray for those who are hurting right now across the world, keep this close:

"Continue to love each other with true Christian love. 

Don't forget about those in prison. Suffer with them as though you were there yourself. 

Share the sorrow of those being mistreated, as though you feel their pain in your own bodies...

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

With Jesus' help, let us continually offer our sacrifice of praise to God by proclaiming the glory of his name. 

Don't forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God."
(Hebrews 13:1-3, 8, 15-16, NLT). 

"And now, may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, all that is pleasing to him." (Hebrews 13:20, NLT). 

Everyone: we can do this. We can give five, ten, fifteen, thirty minutes of our time to pray today at 5:00 p.m. for refugees across the world. As Mother Theresa of Calcutta said, "Love has a hem to her garment that reaches the very dust. It sweeps the streets and lanes, and because it can, it must." 

We have Love living within us. Because we can, we must

Pray this today at 5:00 p.m. (wherever you are!). Those of you in larger countries: China, Brazil, Russia, United Kingdom, India - please pass this prayer onto other blogs, to your families, to your friends, to organizations who move in the name of Jesus. Those of you in smaller countries, please rejoice with your villages, townships, and families and friends. Those of you who are alone in your efforts, praise God. You are known by your faith. Thank Him that you know Him. Pray this in humility, and with an earnest and fervent heart. Fast for six days: whether it be a food, an attitude, an opinion, a bad word, a bad habit. Fast something that will take great diligence for you to withstand not doing, saying, thinking or eating. Pray for the next six days on your own accord or with this prayer again: unceasingly! 

Pray with us: 

"Heavenly Father, you are our Abba, our Mighty to Save, our God Almighty, our Alpha and Omega. We come to you in your name of Jehovah, eternal and everlasting. We praise you that you gave us your different names throughout the Bible so that we might know you deeper and more intimately as we study your Word. Thank you that you are a God who saves. Thank you that we can confidently say, "The Lord is my refuge and my rock. He is my salvation. Of whom shall I be afraid?" 

Abba, we know that praying with praise rebukes all negativity, traps and footholds. We thank you that anything that is not in line with your Truth, we can say, "The Lord rebuke you!" just as Archangel Michael did. Thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit, from whom we can hear and be lead of how to pray, what to say in prayer, and for whom to pray. 

Thank you, Jehovah, that you are mighty to save. Thank you that you gave us the example of freedom and liberation all those years ago with Moses and the Israelites. Thank you that we can depend on examples like that of old and still use your Truth today. 

Father, we are a hurting people today. Just as your Word says, we hurt and are in sorrow because our brothers and sisters are also hurting and share much sorrow today. We come to you with broken spirits, with thanksgiving, and with praise, asking that you do a mighty work for these people, these refugees, in their land. They have been displaced God, and though we are to be like nomads and treat our time on earth as foreigners, these people did not go to these camps through your leadership. Instead, they are suffering Lord. 

We come boldly to your throne, with Jesus knowing our heart's intentions and as our Advocate, asking you Father to have mercy upon them. We are asking you to lead them into your Kingdom, to place godly people around them who know you, who will pray with them and teach them about You. 

We ask that you deliver them from their personal darkness and fears. For Your perfect love casts out all fear. Father, they desperately need your Presence. Please fill them with You. 

Jesus, these children are alone and afraid; many without hope. You taught us to not hinder the little children, but to let them come to you. Please Jesus, make a way for the children to come to you, to know you, to put their confidence and hope in you, as many of us did when we were children. They are too precious to be left out. We pray for your hand of favor upon them.

God, to those of us who have gifts who can serve you in some way in this time of need, please move us. We are coming to you with reckless abandon and with complete expectation that you will move in us and through us; that our faith will please you; that our obedience will qualify us to help accomplish a great mission for you. 

Lord, many of us have left behind lives we know were not filled with You. Many of us can share our stories for why we live the way we do; from what you have saved us; about what we believe. Use us. 

We lay our burdens down at the foot of the cross, realizing and recognizing that we are not at war with human flesh and blood, but of that in the unseen worlds in the darkness. We rejoice because Jesus has overcome the darkness, and being in Him, in your adopted family, we have overcome the darkness too. So, we are not afraid. We do not despair. We proclaim your righteousness, and your love. 

Thank you for a wake up call that tells us we are not our own; we were bought for a high price and we offer our lives as a willing sacrifice. Lord, our brothers and sisters need you. Please work through us, move through us to help them. Even if you call us just to pray each day, please Holy Spirit, give us the words to say. Father, open up the storehouse. Pour blessings upon these refugee camps just as you promised. Let us give the world an opportunity to see your grace and love. The victory belongs to you. 

In Jesus' name we pray and ask all these things with complete thanksgiving. Amen." 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Creative Clouds at Work

"But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him."
-1 Corinthians 2:9 (ESV)-
"My heart and flesh cry out
for you the living God.
Your Spirit is water to my soul
I've tasted and I've seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to you.
I will draw near to you."
     Today is one of those days where I wish God would stretch his hand out from Heaven and I could crawl into it. Have you ever had a day like that? This song's lyrics described this day perfectly. As I was thinking about how to get closer to God, I felt drawn to pull over. My heart and flesh were crying out today. I desired to draw near to him. I didn't want just this small taste. I wanted a giant dose! As I closed my eyes to get still and quiet before the Lord, a song floated through my mind that I haven't heard for years. The chorus says, "Open your eyes," over and over. When I did open my eyes, there was this fabulous and wonderful picture of clouds in front of me. In total awe, I took a picture. I see so many things in this shot. What about you?
     Do you see the arch in the middle? It looks like a bridge on top with three arches underneath. On the right side, I see the profile of a person. I see a cat's face on the bottom in between the middle bridge. I see butterfly wings on the top left. The list could go on and on!
     And then, something struck me: if this is just a cloud formation...what must God have prepared for us, those of us who love him?
     Friends, I'm writing today to encourage you that as we keep our minds, hearts and eyes fixed on Jesus, God is preparing something for us; something so magnificient we will be awestruck and amazed. Keep that close when you have a day you wish you could just crawl into a corner. And remember, his Holy Spirit is given to us. Remember not to stifle him, but to submit yourselves more and more so that he is able to accomplish his purposes through you.
     An incredible book that has helped me tremendously is Stormie Omartian's "Lead Me, Holy Spirit" book of prayers.  I highly reccommend it to anyone who is not only desiring a closer relationship to God, but also to anyone who is willing to be transformed.
     Heavenly Father, Thank you for showing us your magnificient beauty and creative energy through something as simple as clouds! Thank you that you are with us always. Thank you that we only have to turn to your Son and pray in his name. Help our minds to be more in line with your will so that when we pray, we are praying in the Spirit and in Truth. Abba, thank you for Mrs. Omartian's passion to teach us about prayer with and through You. We praise you for your marvelous works, and for preparing something so great we have not seen, heard or been able to imagine it. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Friday, September 21, 2012

New Page!

I have a huge heart for animals. I have added a new page that will be dedicated to advocacy, great organizations, and even recipes you can make at home. Please feel free to check it out and add a comment about anything else that would be helpful to you. 

Be sure to check back for additions to the Hospitality page as well. Each new recipe or encouragement will be below the previously posted ideas. Make sure to scroll to bottom of page for new additions! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Freely Given Gift: Peace

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
-John 14:27 (NIV)-

Peace: quiet, tranquility, stillness, free from disturbance, Selah

What are your words for peace? Sometimes, it is almost indescribable. I remember being upset one afternoon and just feeling an absolute sense of dread coming on. I asked, "Lord?" And immediately, he answered me with "My peace I give to you." My heart was refreshed, and the sense of dread was immediately replaced with His peace. I felt comforted, calm, and ready for anything. I realized that I had no idea what the future held, but for that moment and what turned out for the rest of the afternoon, I felt nothing but peace. I was not troubled. I was not afraid. And nothing in this world could compare to what Jesus gave me that afternoon, and continues to build within me: trust and hope in Him.

Sometimes, pictures and music can capture our hearts more accurately than a message. Just taking a few moments to be in absolute awe of what God has created on this earth for us is phenomenal. If that's you, I hope this post brings you some comfort, some Selah.

Check out Jeremy Camp's "Give me Jesus" song. Sit with your eyes closed and soak in this song. It's gorgeous.

"You can have this whole world, just give me Jesus."

Heavenly Father, sometimes words are inexpressible because your beauty is unfathomable. Thank you for creating life on Earth to help us appreciate your creativity and artwork! Jesus, thank you for giving us your peace both in times that we don't ask for it and in times we do. Thank you for filling our hearts with hope and encouragement; courage and wisdom; love and joyful praise. Thank you for teaching us how to rest in You, and how to submit daily to You. We pray for your peace this day. We ask to receive it in ourselves, our families, our neighbors and friends. We ask that our land receive it. We ask that our brothers and sisters around the world receive it. We ask that we are bestowed with your amazing love, in remembrance for what you've done for us and continue to do for us. In Your name we pray, Amen.




Monday, September 17, 2012

Building Today's Ark: Character

Let's Worship Before We Learn. Take a few minutes to listen and ask God to speak deeply to you,.

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Genesis 6:8

Do you have a seemingly impossible task ahead of you? Are you wondering how you're going to pay your next bill, or feed your family, or provide for even yourself? Are you wondering if your season of toil and troubles are ever going to end? What about if you're in the opposite camp? Are you joyful, cheerful, giving thanks to God for helping you and providing for you each day? If so, rejoice!

Either way, wherever you are in your life, it is important to learn from those of old. Now, admittedly, I have never been much of a fan toward learning about History. However, the more I learn about history, people and Truth from the Bible, the more interested I become about the rest of the world's history and even the history in my own backyard! It is so neat the way that God transforms our thinking when we spend time in His Word. 

Learning about others in the Bible helps us to learn about ourselves. For example, when we take Noah's faithfulness, we learn where we need to be faithful in our own lives. Scripture tells us that Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:8). How did he do this? And how can we do this today? 

Well, when we read on, we discover that Noah is described in three ways: "Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God" (Genesis 6:9, NIV).

Faith produces righteousness. 

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1, NIV)

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (Hebrews 11:6, NIV).

Do you believe that God exists? Are you earnestly seeking Him? Let's take a moment before we go any further. Pray, "Father God, I confess to you that I have not been very faithful to you in seeking you or pursuing you. I know now that without faith, it is impossible to please you. I do not want to be like that. I desire to please you. Please increase my faith through your Holy Spirit. I believe Father, help me to overcome my unbelief. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Now, later in Hebrews, Noah is used as an example of faith in action. Remember when Noah was described as walking faithfully with God? This is another reason that Noah found favor with the Lord. "So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless" (James 2:17, NLT). We are not to just have faith, we are to act on it. When Noah was told to build the ark, he didn't scoff and he didn't just sit there. He didn't say, "Thank you Lord for telling me that an ark will be necessary in the years to come," and then go on living. He got right to work. This is an example of faith in action, or walking faithfully. Acting in faith is not always easy. Sometimes, it will be the hardest thing you will ever do, but if you learn with small steps, that giant leap will not seem so intimdating when it presents itself.

Hebrews 11:7 (NIV), states: "By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith."

"In holy fear" - let's look at that for a moment. When God tells you, warns you, nudges you, shows you, speaks to you, gives you vision, wisdom or enlightenment toward something and you do not revere him or do as He has said to you, then you do not fear Him. This isn't a fear that is meant to paralyze you. This is the type of fear out of respect and reverence for God. Remember, God even tell us that His thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:9, NIV). So, if He is giving us a blessing by acknowledging, loving and helping us, we better listen! Too often, people often see God as a level playing field or not even worthy to esteem into their existence. I personally shudder to think of those who do this. However, there is a way to turn this around. 

If you're in this spot, pray. If you're not, pray in intercession of those who are: "God, I admit that I do not know how great you are, nor do I comprehend in my thoughts and ways of how mightily awesome you are. I admit that I have not feared you as I ought, and I ask your forgiveness for this. Please help me to know you more fully, so that I might understand better how I should fear you because of holiness and divinity. You created me and you know how I think, feel, and act. You knew me even before you gave me to my mother's womb. Thank you for your mercy, that I might come to you and reveal my faithlessness against you. Remove any obstacles in my life prohibiting me from knowing you more fully in this way. Bind up all evil around, within and about me. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Now, the third way we must learn from Noah is that he was called "blameless." Noah was blameless or, without finding fault, because he and his family kept themselves from the moral chaos going on around them. Noah knew what was right, and how to live in separation from the evil around him in his day. He chose to lead by example, and brought blessings to his family because of his righteous attitude and walk. His obedience to God also made him blameless. Remember, believers walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7, NLT).

Still a bit hesistant to accept this message? Check out this quote by Charles Spurgeon:
"If we doubt God's Word about one thing, we shall have small confidence in it upon another thing. Since faith in God must treat all God's Word alike; for the faith which accepts one word of God, and rejects another, is evidently not faith in God, but faith in our own judgment, faith in our own taste."

Remember, we are working hard to submit ourselves to God and get out of our own judgment, our own tastes, our own thoughts and ways. God loves you and desires for you to become heir to his Kingdom. Keep learning, praying and acting in faith.

"Heavenly Father, thank you for teaching us about Noah. Help us also to increase in our faith, to not only increase but also then obey and act in our faith. Help us to become blameless in our own societies. Recognition is important, and we can only have that through Your Holy Spirit. Help us to recognize when we are stifling Your Holy Spirit of Truth, so that He may act on our behalf more and more; that we can become more aware of when are not obeying you, walking faithfully with you or loving you as we ought. Jesus, we receive you as our Savior, and are so thankful that you desired the Father's will and not your own. Thank you for doing that for us. We pray and proclaim as One Body: 'Our Father, who Art in Heaven, hallow be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen."

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Redeemed and Released: Jehovah, a new Name

"And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them."
-Exodus 6:3 (KJV)-
Before this post begins, if you are able to both play a song while reading this post, do so. If not, read the post, then listen to this song by Judy Jacobs.  No matter how horrible of a mood you might be in, how defeated you might feel, or just simply needing a smile - this song will do it! It's just not possible to not feel a stirring in your spirit and a renewal of your perspective. This woman certainly sings from her soul. Guaranteed you will find your hand(s) lifted in praise, even if you aren't a typical hand-raiser in worship!
When we think of "God Almighty," what comes to mind? Almighty means 'having complete power', 'omnipotent,' and 'all-powerful.' This sounds like our God, right? But notice something - when He comes to free the Israelites from Egypt's oppression, He introduces himself with a new name: Jehovah.
And what does He do?
Oh, just a few promises that we should read over, pay attention to, and expect in our own lives:
Exodus 6:5-7 are especially important:
5 And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant.
Do you find yourself groaning in hurt, tears, "why's?," even in hope? Have no fear. The same God who heard the Israelites hears you today. If you are in bondage in any way, do not doubt. The same God who remembered his covenant with Abraham, Issac and Jacob remembers you today. You are not forgotten and you are heard. He will come for you, no matter what obstacle you find yourself up against.
6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments:

Are you under some type of burden, or many? Are you heavy or crushed in spirit? Are you in bondage to something, whether seen or unseen? Is your patience wearing thin? Are you wondering if your faith really matters? It does. Remember, the same God who redeemed the Israelites with an outstretched arm and brought great judgments against Pharoh for what he knowingly did to God's people is at this very moment seeking you, and will redeem you in his perfect timing. Let's take a moment to PRAISE HIM!  Seek Him with all of your heart. Right now. Say out loud or in a whisper, "Father God, I am seeking you. Please cut through my burdens and bondage. Come get me, I'm yours. In Jesus' name. Amen."
7 And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.

And guess what? After He has heard you, remembered you, redeemed you and brought you out from under, you will have zero doubt that you are, in fact, His child, precious; wonderfully and fearfully made in His image. Are you wondering how you will know?

You will know because He is the only one capable of doing all of these things. This is an absolute truth: no person on this planet will be able to act on your behalf in this way except for God Himself through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

Struggling with this? Make Jesus Lord of your life right this moment. "Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over my life, my emotions, my mind, my body (the temple of the Holy Spirit), my will and over all that which concerns me. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Revival in the Spirit is more powerful than any wound the enemy can hurl your way or try to have you accept and allow into your life. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 reminds us, "Do not stifle the Holy Spirit," and remember, "Submit yourselves to God, then, and resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). The enemy is not interested in messing with someone who runs and turns to God for everything. Are you feeling stumped? Crushed? Annoyed, and not sure why? Anxious?

Friends, if you are anything but fruits of the Spirit: joy, peace, love, patience, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness and self-control...

Consider it a wound you need to reject.

Take a few minutes to listen to this worship and tell God about recognizing these as attempted wounds. Reject them in the name of Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to intervene for you. He will, and God will be pleased with you for turning to HIM rather than those purpose-less attacks.

"How sweet it is to lean on the everlasting arms and oh, how light the path it is to walk while leaning on the everlasting arms. Safe and secure from all alarms, leaning on the everlasting arms. What have I to fear, what have I to dread by leaning on the everlasting arms."

And what is a name for Jehovah? Everlasting.

That's right. Our God is everlasting, all-powerful, leading us out of opression and out from under burdens. He hears us. He remembers us. And He will part our "red seas," and keep us safe in the wilderness. Why? Because that's who He is and that's how much we mean to Him.

Heavenly Father, we come to you with boldness like Beniah, faith like Abraham and courage like Joshua. We come to you submitting ourselves with complete humility and we love you. We praise you for loving us enough to help our early brothers and sisters out of Egypt and out of bondage. We are in absolute awe and thankfulness that we can come to you even today about our sufferings and our wounds and you will redeem us and bring us out from under. Thank you for helping us to remember who You are. Help us to remember who we are in You. All thanks and praises go to you Father through your Son that we are able to worship you in Spirit and in Truth, that we can be on several different contients around the world and be connected together by your Holy Spirit of Truth. What a beautiful and wonderful gift you have given to us. Help us to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world, that you may be glorified. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Cheerful Givers

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