Saturday, July 26, 2014

Loving Right Where We Are...

Woah, woah, how am I going to relate a love song to a devotional? Easy. 

We found love right where we are...

I met with my Pastor recently for coffee to catch up and chat. After nearly two hours and sharing laughs, he said, "You've got a joy about you. You're filled with joy." And I realized, yeah. Yeah, I am! And you know something? It's not from another human being! I mean, I am definitely incredibly blessed to have a family and friends who pour their love into me daily, but....nah. I'm not sparkling because of them. I'm sparkling because of Him. 

I found love right where I am...with God. That sounds crazy, right? But bear with me! If you're married or seeing someone, wonderful! But if you're single, like me (especially us romantics), we smile sheepishly as we look out the window when we think about someone like Sheeran is describing in his song. And above all - his song made me look forward to whoever God is going to bring into my life. 

Even as the world is being destroyed all around us, let's focus on the good stuff today. 

Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your love. Thank you for pouring it into us. Thank you for the people you put in and take out of our lives for Your reasons alone. Help us to be a blessing to someone today. Help us to remind someone today (even one of your smallest or greatest creatures) that they are incredibly special and their life is full of purpose through our actions or words to them. Take Your broken people and unite us in your love. We love you Lord, You are our strength (Psalm 18:1). In Jesus' name, amen. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Let's Dance!

Why am I inviting you to listen to this song? And why is there a picture of a dirt road? 

Two reasons: the road is a reminder that our roads are usually long and hard, but there's some beautiful scenery along the way: in our family's love for us, in God's love for us, in our friend's laughter, in our cooking disasters, thriving gardens, our children, our creating, our adventuring, our daily interactions with every day people just like you and me. Take a moment and decide that you will be a blessing today to someone, anyone. Thank you God for working through us. Now, the song is up because I want you to remember that most of us are very similar to Moses. We don't want to do the things God is asking us to do. We want other people - other more qualified people to do the task. 

But guess what? When we invite Jesus into our hearts and ask the Holy Spirit to control our lives...this song turns into us singing to God: "Lord, I don't dance, but I'll do anything anywhere with you. You've got me in the palm of Your hand..."   Takes on a whole new meaning doesn't it?  

Lord, pleases help us to dance with you. We lay down our selfish hearts and desires and ask you to come into these places within us. Help us to speak words of wisdom and do acts of kindness. Help us to shine bright today. We love you so much. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Long Day, Long Road

     Does anyone have some favorite #music that just moves you? I mean...every fiber in your whole being says, "yes!!" and you jump around playing air guitar or pretend to be a rock star? Just for a moment? 

     #Matchbox20 is one of those bands for me. I can hear the saddest news or have the toughest days and Matchbox20 "Long Day" is just one of those songs that helps me to see everything so clearly. 

     Like this #international mess we're in: Hamas, Israel, Russia, Eastern Ukraine, Central America's aid to the U.S., the border patrol.... it's such a hot topic here. 

     My spirit just rages for justice every time the news displays the grief over the people in the #Netherlands and it hurts so much for the widows and orphans who are trying to settle here in the #United States. 

      Then....something hit me today, or rather....someone: 


It occurred to me that whenever we feel like we're having a Long Day or we're on a Long Road, it is possible for today's Paul's to turn around. 

Let's pray: Lord Jesus...we are without words. The tragedy that is happening in today's world is astounding. Gaza is hurting so deeply and we ache for our brothers and sisters around the world, even those we don't know. Lord, it is only by your divine help that any of this will be resolved. Father, if it aligns with your will, please, we appeal to you, please Jesus stand in their road. Please stand in their long road of persecuting others and make yourself known to them. We are in desperate need for several transformations of "Paul" to happen to the rebel leaders and to our leaders in powerful positions. Please God, appear to us also, on our long days, that we might be well prepared for you and that we might shine brighter than the darkness in our world today. We love you and ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Something to Consider...

In all the recent events going on internationally and even here in the U.S., it's tempting to think, "What's the use in being good?" Or "Why do I work so hard only for bad things to continue to happen?"

Today is a reminder that is easy to forget, but powerful in deterring encouragement.

"Let your light shine before others so that your good deeds will glorify your Father in heaven," (Matthew 5:16).

We must actively look for the good in our world. For example, a friend of mine is serving in the Peace Corps in West Africa. He is building a library or his students and I was able to support a book drive to send to him. Think of all the children who will now get to have stories, learn a new language, translate them into French and open up their creativity.

The ladies of my church just celebrated someone's birthday - a strong, small woman who just turned 88. And then there is just the occasional smile and small talk with someone at the grocery store to check in on their day.

What good surrounds you today? More importantly, what small thing can you do today that will remind someone of God's goodness and provision?

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..."

Thank you God for your love. Help us to share it with others today. We love you! In Jesus' name, amen.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

"My peace I give to you..."

The day human beings use deceased fellow human beings to achieve an incredibly selfish purpose is the day that we all need to lay our hearts down in prayer and fast.

The rebels' actions in Ukraine scream loudly of Nazi and Hitler-like mentality while also using tactics  of the infamous Taliban.

All that we can ask is for God to pour out his love and peace upon the families who lost someone in this horrific tragedy, especially those with children. We can pray also for His justice to prevail (even if it doesn't look like we might think).

I invite you to fast with me on Tuesday, July 22 for these purposes: deliverance of the rebels from their wayward mindset, peace for the families, justice for this situation and harmony in international problem solving. We must keep believing in God's goodness and remember that He is close to us in heartbreak.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Want a Quick Read?

Check out my new book, No Looking Back available on several e-book formats and paperback. You can preview on Amazon and order through: 

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It's purpose is to encourage you in all seasons of life. Prayers and Devotionals are included in the end. Thanks for the support! 

I Choose to Live, Not Merely Exist

Watching the news this morning, coffee in hand, I felt such a pang of sorrow for our world. With the #MH17 flight tragedy, the border crossing disaster between the U.S. and Mexico, Ukraine and Russia, and the lost girls in Nigeria, I grieved for the loss of life and the grief so many families will be going through and continue to experience. 

Knowing that as soon as we pray in accordance with God's Word and will that we are heard, let's begin praying for these families. 

Lord, thank you for reminding us we are to look after orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27) and that we will be comforted in our grief (Matthew 5:4). Thank you that you are greater than the world's circumstances and that we cannot imagine what You have in store for those of us who love you. Thank you that you have listened to our cry for help and are working in ways we cannot fathom (Psalm 27:5). Thank you that there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3) and that your hand is upon all of us. Please open a way to provide for these orphaned children and widows of provision and healing. Please make your presence known among the leaders in the East, bringing peace to Hamas and Israel and Palestine. Please raise up a new leader who fears you, reveres you and trusts you; obedient to your direction who will bring peace to Ukraine and Russia. We pray also for the families of MH17, that their legacy of compassion and kindness would not be forgotten. We love you Lord, You are our strength. Amen. 

Cheerful Givers

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