Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Unseen Faithfulness & Provision

"And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."
-2 Kings 6:17 (NIV)-

Before we start today, let's worship. Give your heart, mind and spirit a six minute break. Close your eyes and listen to this song. I'm already praying for your heart to be opened and for your spirit to be renewed.

Lately, I've had the greatest blessings. I have been able to listen to my closest friend's hearts and worries. And here's what I've learned from their courageous examples of opening up about their weaknesses and their struggles:

The less we hide, the less the enemy has to work with.

The more we truly confess our struggles and hurts to each other, the more room Jesus has to move in for healing and restoration; the more power the Holy Spirit is given to renew us and defeat lies we so easily accept in our minds; the more opportunity God is given to prove His faithfulness.

It's amazing.

This is also something else to keep in mind:

Your seemingly cold, icy, isolated mountain(s) you're attempting to tackle? They only seem that way because the enemy so desires to convince you that you are alone, that you are left out in the cold, and that nobody can relate to you.

Guess what? FALSE! Hugely false.

You are a son or daughter of the King who fights for you moment-to-moment. You are a child of God's own family. Your brother and LORD defeated the enemy and has already prepared a place for you when you're called Home. You are dearly loved in such a powerful way. AND, you have brothers and sisters right here who would love to pray for you and help you in any way they can.

We're Family.

And God's family doesn't back down to challenges; we encourage, we provide, we listen, we inspire, we love, we act, we teach, we heal, and most of all, we turn each other right back to God so the enemy doesn't stand a chance.

In fact, I'm praying right now that as you are reading this post, you are being filled with the Holy Spirit's power which is mighty in pulling down strongholds; that you are being reminded powerfully of just how much God loves you; that you feel Jesus with you in these moments.

When Elisha prayed that his servant's eyes be opened and his servant was able to see the horses and chariots ready for battle, I bet his servant was first, shocked and second, assured. Are you in need of some assurance today?

Let us act as Elisha for each other today:

Heavenly Father, we praise you and thank you that you are able to accomplish infinitely more than we could ever ask or imagine. We pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ (name them) that they would experience just a tiny dose of vision that You blessed Elisha's servant with. Sometimes, we need to be reminded of how hard You are fighting for us and just how incredible You are.

Father, we are grateful and joyful to admit our weaknesses to each other because You promise us as Your Son, Jesus, promises us that Your strength is made perfect through our weaknesses. Therefore, we boast all the more gladly about our weaknesses:________ today. Thank you that you will strengthen us in these ways today.

We also confess and are grateful for our brokenness. If we were not broken, You would have no room to transform us into the people You created us to be way back before You placed us in our mother's wombs. We are in awe that You accomplished such an amazing micracle, and we humbly submit our desires to You. Shape us how you want. Transform our minds in Christ Jesus. Heal our hearts and renew our spirits. We need You.

Jesus, thank you for being with us even as we go about our day-to-day routines, jobs, schooling - whatever it is that we are doing, we thank you that you are there with us. We pray for each other all over the world that we would encourage each other to remember how faithful You have been to us Father.

Jesus, we invite you in with a feast of thankfulness and gratitude. We are thankful today for:____________. We are grateful that:__________. We praise you because You are the only One who __________. We love you. Use us to fulfil your mission.

Father, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Let's end together: Hillsong's "From the Inside Out"

Praying for you!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pray Without Ceasing...

"One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us how to pray..."
-Luke 11:1 (NIV)-

Jesus taught the disciples The Lord's Prayer:

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed by thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into tempation, but deliver us from evil,
For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever.

We also see Jesus' physical example. Sometimes he prayed all throughout the night. Other times, he rose early and prayed before the beginning of the day's responsibilities and opportunities. Still others, he prayed both privately and publicly. No matter what, Jesus prayed, trusted and thanked God for hearing him and continued his ministry.

Today, let's focus on Jesus' example of prayer. Let us pray today for each other around the world. Remember, yes, God will use your prayer even for people you have never met. Yes, your brothers and sisters need you to pray for them. Yes, you are heard and Yes, you are vitally important to this mission.

Let's pray together today for:

The Persecuted Church
Children in schools
The Hurting and the Oppressed
Intercession for acts of violence both in the United States and Internationally
Provision for those starving or dealing with famine

Please read this list and pray for at least one of these groups of people. For me, personally, I have a special place for the orphans, prisoners and those who are dealing with HIV/AIDS. Remember to pray for those who help at these places and for the people dealing with each one of these sufferings individually. And when you pray, pray with conviction and belief.

Remember the story of the faith of the Roman officer? Jesus told him, "What you have believed has come true."

Believe that God will provide for each of these groups of people, and He will. Doubt is our worst enemy. Conquer it with faith and rememberance of who our God is and his character. Secure that faith with thankfulness and press forward in intercessory prayer. We need each other's encouragement and will to cover each other powerfully in prayer through the Holy Spirit.

Let's start together:

"Heavenly Father, we thank you that we are able to pray as One Body and be heard by you. We thank you that we are able to pray for those whom we don't even know personally, but will be given provision by you in ways we can't fathom. Thank you for saving our brothers and sisters around the world. Today, we bring forth concern for _____ and ask that you would bring favor upon them. We pray in power by your Holy Spirit within us that you would bless ____ and nourish _____. Help them to remember who You are and what you are capable of doing. Thank you for sending laborers into _____'s lives to share the Good News. Thank you for protecting ____ this day. No evil shall come near nor any accident take over ____'s day today. We plead the blood of Jesus over ____ and their families this day. Thank you for hearing us. We love you and ask that you use us in whatever ways we can be of service to you to help _____. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Certain Kind of Courage

"At once they left their nets and followed him. Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him."
-Matthew 4:20-22-

What have you given up completely? Have you risked your livelihood to do something you believed to be better? Have you given up your family to follow a hope? What have you sacrificed that seemed impossible to do without?

This is probably the most amazing part about this particular passage. Jesus called these men and notice what they left immediately: their nets and boat (livelihood) and their father (family). Could you do that?

Whether that answer is "yes," "no," or "I'm not sure...," take this hope: when Jesus calls you away from something or someone that seems imposible to relinquish, it's only because he has an incredible future planned for you and you are the only one who can fulfill this particular mission.

And here's the other catch: it's not just about the down-and-out crowd either. Jesus calls anyone. You could be quite successful in life and be thankful each day for the blessings given to you. That might present an even bigger challenge for you. Take heart and remember that God gives us every single thing we need, and it was from Him in the first place that you were afforded your comfortable and successful lifestyle.

So how will you know if it's God calling you toward a particular mission? How do you know your not justifying a particular personal desire?

God's Holy Spirit is alluring and inviting. He is never pushy, condemning or spiteful. God will never use shame, embarassment, humiliation, or haunt you of past memories you'd rather forget. He will never lead or ask you to break any of his laws. If you think you're being called to a particular mission, but something doesn't sit right, check your spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit of Truth to reveal to you what is wrong. Ask to align your thoughts and mind with God's thoughts so you may begin praying within his will. Better still, ask someone you know who walks closely & intimately with Jesus to pray in intercession for you during this time. Confusion is never from God so reject it immediately in Jesus' name. If you're still having a hard time with discernment, leave it alone for a little while. Jesus will make it clear and obvious when He needs you and your particular gifts and talents somewhere. He will speak to you how you specifically hear best from him.

And remember, it takes courage to walk away from the things he's asking you to walk away from. It is perfectly okay to be nervous, anxious or scared. But also remember this: God will always lead you into a promised land, even if you have to climb a few mountains first to get there. Fulfiling God's mission is always well worth leaving that which seems impossible.

James and John must have sensed this. Notice the passage: they were preparing the nets when Jesus called them. And what was their reaction? When did they leave the preparation of what seemed important to them? Did they discuss the pros and cons first? Did they ask their father for permission? No. They left immediately.

When God calls you, meditate upon what James and John learned: Jesus will guide you, the Holy Spirit will equip you and God will pour his favor and love upon you. You can do it!

Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for your Word. We especially thank you for the Gospels so we are able to follow Jesus' example. When we are scared or nervous to drop our "nets," and immediately follow you, Jesus, remind us of this passage. Remind us also of all that you have in store for us. Give us glimpses of a greater future of which we are honored and blessed to be apart. Thank you that we can speak to you and you give us discernment. Thank you that you will always speak to us in a way that makes specific sense to each of us. Thank you that we can follow you with hope and trust. We love you so much. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Monday, October 15, 2012


"She is clothed with strength and dignity..."
-Proverbs 31:25 (NIV)-

I have a very special announcement to make...

I gave birth to my daughter two weeks ago! Due to this wonderful gift, the blog will be updated weekly rather than daily. Continue to check back in!

I encourage you to encourage someone else today and each day by demonstrating the love of Christ. Let's be the Body he designed us to be!

Praying for each of you daily,


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Psalm 118:19-21

Yesterday, I put a poll out on Facebook asking a few people to post one reason they were thankful. Here are some of the responses:

"Just one? The sun is up, the people I love are safe and healthy, the fall temps are finally here, I made it through my first fall run without "eating it", and on and on and on!"
-Marsha, Texas

"Just ONE?!? I'm thankful for waking up and having a job to go to, for a husband who made my breakfast, and for a support network who means the world to me.... All were provided by God. So, I'm most thankful for Him. :)"
-Lisa, Washington

"I'm thankful to wake up and have another day to see my daughters grow up. Im thankful to hear "Good Morning Mommy" from my Princesses."
-Carralyce, Florida

"I am thankful for my healthy baby boy Issak."
-Ryan, Washington

"Thankful for God's unfailing love and His patience with me. For my family, Andrew, job, Whiskers, church family and wonderful friends! I'm very blessed!"
-Nicolette, Florida

"thankful for the Word of God, which keeps me from slipping daily. thankful for the Lord keeps me rooted in Him; I cannot be shaken!!!!"
-Sarah, California

"I am thankful for my family, friends, animals, creatures, the land, everything God has provided for us. I am thankful the most for God's faithfulness and the opportunity to awaken every single day so far."
-Abby, Florida

Today's encouragement to ponder:

Open for me the gates of the righteous;
    I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
 This is the gate of the Lord
    through which the righteous may enter.
 I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
    you have become my salvation.

-Psalm 118:19-21 (NIV)

       Abraham was declared righteous by God because of his faith. He believed everything God said and gave thanks each time God blessed him. Doesn't this sound a lot like verses 19-21 in Psalm 118?
      And don't the answers above when asked about thankfulness sound a lot like recognition of what God has blessed and given these people with? Each time we remember our God, and praise him by giving thanks to His works alone, we are able to enter the gate of the righteous.
     Which gate do you desire to enter? A gate that leads to doubt and complacency and despair? Of course not!
      Let's enter the gate of the righteous by keeping our minds fixed on the right things:
      "...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
       -Phillipians 4:8 (ESV)-

Challenge: Come up with your own list today of an example of each one of these things.

"Heavenly Father, we come before you this day thanking you that we all simply woke up! Thank you for this new day. Help us to align our thoughts and fix our thoughts on whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise. We cannot do this alone. We will only succeed in this by the power of Your Holy Spirit working within us and by Christ transforming and renewing our thoughts. Thank you for reminding us what we are thankful for. Help us to always desire to enter the gate of righteousness and lead us in the way everlasting. In Jesus' name, we pray on behalf for our brothers and sisters around the world, knowing that the power of prayer is rightfully ours, by Jesus's authority within us. Thank you for this marvelous gift and miracle. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Faithful Thanks

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

       Today, we're going to do something a little different. I'm opening up the commenting section to post your reasons for being thankful.

      Why is it so important to give thanks in all cirumstances? Because look at the role of positive thinking. If we're broke, be thankful that we have a God who provides. If we're sad, thank Him that we even have the ability to feel sad. And then give thanks that He has promised that you won't be sad forever. If we just can't seem to get it together for whatever reason, give thanks for being given so much responsibility.

    Fact:  The more we remain faithful, the more thanks
              we give.
              The more thanks we give, the more we praise  
              The more we praise God, the more we realize
              what we have and rejoice in our blessings and
              The more we are content, the less room
              worry, anxiety, or any other form of negativity
              has to sneak its way into our thought life and 
     Fact: Thankfulness + Praise = Building of our faith

     What are you thankful for? What praise do you have to share?             

     Let's see if we can post at least 10 reasons why we're thankful to God from personal experience or have a praise to share and from at least three different countries.

     Tomorrow's post will be based on our responses and directed toward Psalm 118:19-21. Here we go!

**Click on "no comments" or "1 comment" or whatever the number of comments it is currently up to in order to post a comment.

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