Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Choose to Live, Not Merely Exist

Watching the news this morning, coffee in hand, I felt such a pang of sorrow for our world. With the #MH17 flight tragedy, the border crossing disaster between the U.S. and Mexico, Ukraine and Russia, and the lost girls in Nigeria, I grieved for the loss of life and the grief so many families will be going through and continue to experience. 

Knowing that as soon as we pray in accordance with God's Word and will that we are heard, let's begin praying for these families. 

Lord, thank you for reminding us we are to look after orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27) and that we will be comforted in our grief (Matthew 5:4). Thank you that you are greater than the world's circumstances and that we cannot imagine what You have in store for those of us who love you. Thank you that you have listened to our cry for help and are working in ways we cannot fathom (Psalm 27:5). Thank you that there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3) and that your hand is upon all of us. Please open a way to provide for these orphaned children and widows of provision and healing. Please make your presence known among the leaders in the East, bringing peace to Hamas and Israel and Palestine. Please raise up a new leader who fears you, reveres you and trusts you; obedient to your direction who will bring peace to Ukraine and Russia. We pray also for the families of MH17, that their legacy of compassion and kindness would not be forgotten. We love you Lord, You are our strength. Amen. 

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