Friday, August 17, 2012

Battle Like Behemoth

"See its powerful loins and the muscles of its belly. Its tail is as strong as a cedar. The sinews of its thighs are knit tightly together. Its bones are tubes of bronze. Its limbs are bars of iron...It lies under the lotus plants, hidden by the reeds in the marsh. The lotus plants give it shade among the willows beside the stream. It is not disturbed by the raging river,
    not concerned when the swelling Jordan rushes around it. No one can catch it off guard or put a ring in its nose and lead it away."
-Job 40:16-24 (NLT)-

While it has been long disputed about what Behemoth actually was, some more recent teachings allude to the possibility of an alligator-like creature. So, for the purpose of the teaching of this post, I am going with this image. Here's why:

Gators and crocodiles are fierce. They sit silently with just their eyes above the water. They are remarkably patient and wait for their prey to come near them. "Crocodile tears" are described as such because a crocodile can literally tear up to lure its victim toward it by faking tear drops. This reminds us of a "false teacher" or as a symbol of deceit. But be careful about this because again, like the Eagle, the creature that God uses in all of creation to tell Job about unmatchable strength is Behemoth, or, a scaled-down modern day version of an alligator.

Why should we pay attention?

The build is astonishing. Think of these images in your mind, create your own "gator" out of them: cedar, bronze, and iron. The temprament is totally trusting in its abilities: not disturbed by the raging river and not concerned when the swelling of the Jordan rushes around it. The Self-Identity shows confidence in who it is: completely aware at all times and cannot be lead away to follow something false.

How can we learn from this great animal? There's a reason that God compared Behemoth to Job's strength. There is most definitely a reason why, in any version of the Bible that you read, God calls attention proudly to this creature.

Let's look at our build, temprament and self-identity: human, and easily destructable. Yes, we have a phenomenal set of systems put in place and some of us have unbelievable healing ability. But, for the most part, if Behemoth wanted to crush us, he could. Why is he able to do this? Because of his temprament. He rests underneath the lotus beneath the willow trees in the shade. Does this remind you of a little piece of Scripture called Psalm 23? He leads me beside peaceful streams...

Behemoth got it right. He's not even a human with our brain ability and he knew that he needed to rest in order to maintain absolute strength.

Our temprament: how are you today? Are you not disturbed by the raging river in your life? Are you able to be not concerned while worries, responsibilities, and priorities swell around you? Let us learn from this creature that God so proudly speaks about. There are probably very few of us who could say, "Why, yes, I am totally fine with all of these things swelling and raging around me. I am perfectly calm and completely aware of all that is happening." Come on, be honest!

What did Behemoth do first? He rested.

Then, he was able to be undisturbed and unconcerned.

Why? Because he trusted in who he is and what he is able to do.

How do we become undisturbed and unconcerned? We rest, and in doing so, we renew our strength by waiting on the Lord and remembering that his grace is sufficient because as His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

The most important lesson of all? He is aware and he is not lead away by false or fleeting things. Okay, another honesty check! How easy is it for us to be consumed by the world around us? How often are we lead away? Let me gut-check you here: every day. Each time we hear or see something not Kingdom-worthy, our thoughts are being lead away. Each time we justify an action, we are lead away. Each time we don't speak truth in love to a friend, family or co-worker, we are lead away by fear. It happens. How do we remain firm and stand unshaken and completely aware like Behemoth?

We remember this:

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."
-Psalm 62:5-8

Friends, are you seeing a pattern here? Way back in Job, God, like the proud Father that he is, tells Job, "Look at my creature Behemoth. He knows the secret to strength. His build is likened to cedar, iron and bronze. He knows to rest in order to be prepared. Then, when the river rages and the Jordan swells, he is able to trust in who he is and whose he is because he is my creation."

Know the best part about this news? Read on:

We are God's creation too, and we are able to share in his divine nature and our weaknesses are made perfect in his strength and we have a loving Savior who is our Advocate.

Can you imagine how proud Jesus would be to tell our Father something like, "Look! There she is! See, she chose to rise early and rest with me before her long day. Because she has told me about her weariness, I will give her soul rest throughout the day and Your strength, Father, will carry her today."

Or what about, "Aha! He has acknowledged me in all his ways and has chosen to rest in me by reading my Word, and getting to know me so he can increase in his leadership. He desires to lead like Me. His strength will be great because he admits his weaknesses and relies solely on Me."

And...the best part? Imagine God beaming right at you just like he beamed about Behemoth, a creature, to Job. He takes delight in who you are. Let's bring Him even more joy by resting, trusting, and growing in Him.

I pray for you today all who read this:

Father, we praise you for your glorious creation which speaks to us throughout Scripture. Not only do we have an example to follow through Jesus, but we can even learn incredible lessons in other books of the Bible. Thank you for giving us such examples. For each person who wonders how to go about being a human version of Behemoth, Father I ask in Jesus' name that you call that person into rest, that you strengthen him or her and that you would reveal to them their own special and unique abilities you have given them. Reveal to them who You are in them and what you are able to accomplish together for your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen!


  1. I enjoy reading your posts! And it was awesome catching up with u today :)

  2. Well written, Abby! I enjoyed reading this post and needed a good kit in the keester! ;)


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