Friday, August 24, 2012

Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God."
-Psalm 46:10 (NIV)-

     Stillness seems to be the elusive action that so many of us falter within. I read a fantastic passage the other day that said, "God told us to be still. Not do, achieve or perform still. Be still and know."

     Even when we think we're "being still," we're probably not. For example, how many of us play worship music and then read? We're not being still. We're reading. What about journaling? Yes, it's a form of creating relationship with God, but we're still not being still. Then, there's the just sitting with some soft music playing in the background and your thoughts wander. You begin thinking about what you need to do, should have done, questions you have, and then your prayers turn into a series of pondering thoughts.

      Try this: just for three minutes this evening, play some soft worship music. Some of my favorites for preparing my heart and mind to "be" with God are "Come Thou Fount," by Jadon Lavik, "How Great Thou Art," (I love Vince Gill and Carrie Underwood's version), "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman and "Breathe" by Michael W. Smith. Tell Jesus that you welcome His Presence with you and that you are thankful for your day. Tell Him you desire to just "be" with him. Ask him to help you know that He is God. An incredible peace may come about you. Even if it's just for a few minutes, that's better than doing, achieving, performing and gaining nothing!

    Another good exercise is to start a notebook entitled "God's Character." Once a day, go through the Bible and find verses that tell you who God was, is, and will always be. Write one or two verses down each day. At the end of the week, pray a prayer of thankfulness that when you are being still, you are able to know God - who He is, what He is able to achieve and how he thinks of us.

     Once you begin cultivating the habit of being still during your quiet time with God, try begin to cultivate it when you are driving or riding the bus or walking. Be with God actively every day. Begin to grow in the knowledge of God by being still with him as often as you can. Ask Christ to renew your thought life so that your thoughts are fixed upon Him. Watch your pace in life suddenly become more peaceful and less chaotic. Watch your choices in scheduling your days become more organized and less overwhelming. Watch your attitude in life become more gracious, kind, and wise. Watch your actions become servant-based rather than achieve-based. Watch your entire world get rocked by the love that is found in Christ Jesus.

     Have you ever been with someone who is so at peace with themselves? Do you know why? Because they have learned how to be still with God no matter what they're doing, thinking, or saying. This is a person to learn from. Ask them what their journey was about and how they came to learn how to just "be" no matter what their "do" might entail. Peacefulness is a result of stillness. Remember, God's divine nature is shared with us. We just have to learn from Him and allow Him to slowly transform us into His nature, not ours.

      Today, I pray that as you take a moment to read this post, you follow it up with a deep breath, asking God to help you "be" still. I pray that you receive His peace in all its fullness and that your spirit would bubble over with joy. I pray that as you go about doing whatever you're doing today, that you remind yourself to "be" still as much as possible. Thank you God that we are able to know you personally and create friendship with you. We are so blessed by your Son's love for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

      If you have a suggestion of how you've learned to cultivate "stillness" in your every day, please leave a comment!

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