Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wisdom for the Weary

 "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do."
-James 1:5-8 (NIV)-

     Much of life's decisions seems to rest right in that little nook of this wave. When we are contemplating an outcome or a potential solution, we often feel the ocean of doubts, fears, anxieties, questions well up underneath us. As all of the potentials crash over our heads, we look for a way out - just like this picture.

     Interesting to note that as we look for the horizon or some land, it is covered in light and gives us a better thing to focus upon rather than the darkness the wave is bringing over us.

     Friends, this is just what James was explaining. When you need wisdom for any part of life - whether it's your relationships, work, career planning, home, children, friendships, your own growth, whatever - know and claim this truth: God will give generously to you without finding fault when you ask Him for wisdom when you believe.

     It is so tempting and so easy to allow a thread of doubt to creep into our thought-life. How many of us have been in prayer and in the back of our minds, a twinge dares to take away our entire prayer? Have you experienced this? You're not alone. In fact, all of us (to some degree or another) have been skeptical if the thing we're asking wisdom about or just plain asking for wisdom period, is maybe too much or maybe we aren't deserving of receiving it. Nip that in the bud right now. Those kinds of thoughts are toxic.

     Remember when Peter was walking on water? What caused him to fall? Doubt and disbelief. But what happened next? He called out for Jesus, and sure enough, Jesus pulled him up.

     This is just like the double-minded concept. Rather than be tossed around in the ocean of doubts, disbeliefs, anxieties, the unknown - call out to Jesus. He will place you on firm footing. Know that you are loved and God is happy you're coming to Him rather than the world for wisdom. He is so eager to give it to us, but we must believe. What if Peter hadn't believed that Jesus had the ability to pull him out of the water? First, he didn't believe it really was Jesus walking on the water, so he tested it (an incredibly relatable and natural human reaction). But when Peter himself began walking on the water, he believed. So it's no wonder that when he fell through, he knew Jesus could and would pull him up.

      I love Peter for the fact that he is so like us. The next time you're up against doubt, ask Jesus to call you out of the boat. Ask him to call you out from underneath the wave. Admit you're being tossed back and forth and you desire to not be double-minded, but trusting abd believing with all your heart. Then, as you grow more and more in your belief, ask God for wisdom.

      "Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.
       Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
          Keep me free from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge."

      -Psalm 31:2-4 (NIV)-

Heavenly Father, thank you that we may come to your Son about our unbelief. We believe Father, help us to overcome our unbelief. We need your wisdom, we thirst for you alone. We desire to be completely and wholly committed to you in mind, body and spirit. It is only with your Son that we will overcome double-mindedness. Jesus, we thank you that You are our Shepherd and we will hear you when you call us. Thank you for calling us out of our Boats of Doubt and Waves of Fears or Anxieties. What a mighty God we have to save us from such a negative thought-life! Renew our thoughts so we may believe more deeply in your promises to us. We love you with all of our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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